Tuesday I took what was my final spin around the perimeter as an employee. Hereafter I plan to run here with my buddies about once a month or so, but it will be as a retiree.
Today I was alone: CH is in Afghanistan until mid-summer; JH is just finishing up a pleasure cruise with the bride; KK has an injured knee; and MS was also unavailable. The sky was brilliant blue, absolutely cloudless. The temperature was mild—around 45 F or so—with only a slight wind. It was one of those near-perfect running days, and I let it sink in.
I thought of the past 11 years of running here with these guys, my brothers. We have literally shared blood, sweat and tears as we’ve commiserated on our families' joys and struggles, our despairs and our high points. It’s a bond that I have truly been fortunate to have been a part of. Such a compatible group of fellow runners does not come along often, I am convinced.
So my hat’s off to you guys. You helped me to survive some rough times, so Thank you. I hope to be back here to run in a few weeks.