Sunday, April 26, 2015

Cats in Art: Patrick Steen's Cat on a Radiator (Hockney)

From my continuing weekly Sunday series of cats in art. I am using some ideas from the coffee table book, The Cat in Art, by Stefano Zuffi.  We'll continue with a third and probably final post from David Hockney.

 Image credit The Great Cat, here.  Patrick Steen's Cat on a Radiator, David Hockney; date, medium, size, and holder unknown.

Now this is a mystery image.  I found it only on the site The Great Cat, attributed to David Hockney, yet a thorough search of the web reveals no other information about the existence of this image.  So it might not even be a Hockney work.

So let's just focus on the image.  Although my reading tells me that British artist Hockney was much more of a dog person, he really captures the essence of a blissful cat sleeping.  Perched up off the floor, totally relaxed, paw dangling, warmed from below (cats are true connoisseurs of heat), what strikes me most is the kitty's facial expression.  

The cat just looks happy, and Hockney nails it so well.

1 comment:

  1. No, it is not a Hockney work. I was recently contacted about it by the artist, and removed it from my David Hockney page. Sorry for the mix up.
