Friday, February 26, 2016

The Supremes...and Ultrarunning

I confess to a double entendre here, in referring to both Supremes.

First, regarding the highest court in the land and the dispute over whether President Obama should get to nominate a successor to the late Justice Scalia.  Or defer for a year as the Senate Republicans wish.

It might be illustrative to read about what 3 of those very Republicans said in 2008:

Republicans in Congress are twisting themselves into strange rhetorical knots trying to argue against President Obama's ability and duty to nominate Scalia's successor. The issue came up in 2008, George W. Bush's last year in office. 

At that time, Sen. Chuck Grassley said, "The reality is that the Senate has never stopped confirming judicial nominees during the last few months of a president's term." Now, he's against it.

Sen. Lamar Alexander said back then, "Just because it's a presidential election year is no excuse for us to take a vacation. And we're here. We're ready to go to work."

Sen. John Cornyn said back then, "Now is the perfect time because, of course, we're in a presidential election year and no one yet knows who the next president will be. What a unique opportunity to establish that regardless of the next president's party, the nominees will be treated fairly and on the basis of their qualifications, and not on the basis of ancient political squabbles." Now, he's against it, too.

Now, let's change gears to those other Supremes.  I liked them but didn't love them, I just got triggered by the Scalia thingy and decided to look at the Supremes' song list and create a nexus to Ultrarunning.  

It was quite easy.  Clear your mind, take a look through these song titles, and tell me you are not carried back to some trail race, memorable due to the trail or to the people you ran with, perhaps the nighttime hours of a hundred-miler?  (Supremes info credit here):

Ain't No Mountain High Enough
Am I Asking Too Much
Blowin' in the Wind
Everyday People
Fancy Passes
I Can't Make it Alone
Misery Makes its Home in my Heart
Save Me a Star
Silent Night
The Beginning of the End
Too Much a Little Too Soon
Will This be the Day

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