Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Eastern Redbuds...and Ultrarunning

Here in south central PA, the Eastern Redbuds have been in bloom for a week now.  This is my absolute favorite tree, probably because it's the tree that in this area is the first to put out a showy flower in the spring.

Here are some tree shots I just took, increasingly closer up:

This spring of 2012 in the northeast is the earliest one I can remember.  In the nearly three decades that my redbuds have graced my front yard, they never have flowered in March. Not one time.  And this year it was a full week prior to the end of the month.

The link to Ultrarunning is that trees are a major factor in our running.  You get to know tree habits and preferences.  The Eastern Redbud is a smallish tree, more of an edge species than the deep woods.  So while I might see some on, say, an Appalachian Trail run, it's not really a common species in the ridge top habitat.

You may want to check out my previous redbud posts here and here.  It's pretty obvious that I am smitten with this tree.


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